WTF Menopause!?! Episode 22

Episode 22 Show Notes:

Join Megan Hillukka and I as we talk about grief and its role in menopause.

Megan Hillukka is a grieving mother, with 6 children, 5 who are still here. Megan encourages and supports grieving mothers that though the worst thing has happened to them, their life is not over. She also experienced PTSD from finding her daughter Aria when she died, and has done the work to find healing in her brain and her life. From this, Megan wants everyone to know that PTSD is not a life sentence, and that healing is possible.

In this episode Megan also shares tools to manage grief of the transition of menopause.

Many of these tools are also relevant with the issues we’re facing with the COVID-19 crisis.

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Freebie: Guided Grief in Your Body Meditation

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